The Philosophy of Logical Atomism 1918-2018
Complutense University of Madrid-King’s College London Joint Philosophy Workshop. January 28-29, 2019

General Info
In commemoration of the centenary of Russell’s Philosophy of Logical Atomism, one of the most important lecture series in the history of analytical philosophy, PHYSIS: the Research Group in Analytic Metaphysics at Complutense University of Madrid and King’s College London invite 300 words abstracts prepared for blind review dealing with the many still salient issues raised by Russell’s lectures, including:
1 the relationships between Russell’s doctrine of particulars and the requirements of a theory of individuation;
2 lessons concerning the formulation of an adequate theory of universals that can be drawn from Russell’s treatment;
3 the adequacy of Russell’s account of facts for the articulation of a theory of truth;
4 the significance of Russell’s conception of logical constants, general and negative facts;
5 the success of Russell’s theories of proper names and descriptions in dealing with the problem of nonexistent objects;
6 the adequacy of his account of propositional attitudes for the analysis of perceptual and other mental states;
7 the nature and role of acquaintance in understanding empirical thought.
UCM-KCL Joint Philosophy Workshops encourage especially submissions from women researchers, junior scholars, and underrepresented minorities.
Confirmed Speakers:
Bill Brewer (King’s College London)
Javier Cumpa (Complutense University of Madrid)
Faculty of Philosophy
Plaza de Menéndez Pelayo, 4
Ortega y Gasset Room
Complutense University of Madrid
Madrid, Spain
Important Dates
Deadline for submission of abstracts: September 20th, 2018
Notification of accepted abstracts: October 20th, 2018
Registration deadline: November 20th, 2018
Conference: January 28-29, 2019
There is no registration fee to participate in the workshop but registration is required. To register, please send your name/surname, contact details and affiliation by email to no later than November 20th, 2018.
For further details or queries please contact the UCM organiser Javier Cumpa (
Sponsor: Comunidad de Madrid. Research Project: The Eliminativist Approach to Categories: Issues in Ontology, Philosophy of Language, and Philosophy of Science (2016-T1/HUM-1263).